Friday, 19 October 2018

Diwali DIY Décor Ideas

Diwali the Festival of Lights  is celebrated with great fervour in India. The Festival of Lights certainly needs some Diwali DIY Décor Ideas and here are mine for the season.

Let there be Light:
We do need those bright lights to glam up Diwali so  here is a simple DIY you can do with mason jars (old jam bottles) of any size, these gift bags and some LED fairy lights, which are battery operated as they generate less heat in comparison to plug in fairy lights. Do remember, to turn off the LED lights from time to time to avoid over heating.

All I did was insert the bottle in the gift bag and the lights inside the glass bottle. Secured it with some tape. I also did another version with some lace trim on it. It looks pretty during the day but with the lights on it looks magical.

Let there be flowers:
The Marigold flowers add  the right amount of colour and festive mood by its sheer presence. Here I stringed it with these simple yet pretty doilies and some glue. You could make a few and drape them to make it just a little different than just marigold garlands. The white and yellow offset each other beautifully.

Let there be Art:
A Painting can change the look of a particular space just by popping it there. Painted these series of small canvas painting, they are cute and compact and make great gifting option too! Which did you like the most?

Let there be cosy corners:
All festivals can get a little overwhelming with all the cleaning, shopping, food, gifts and decorations. If it does maybe you add the décor element only to a few cosy corners making them stand out.

Diwali is all of the above but above all it’s about the family and the special time we spend with them. Hope you like these Diwali DIY décor ideas. Wishing you all a Happy Diwali full of happiness and glee.  


Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Navratri 2018 Jewellery and Outfit Ideas.

 Navratri is an Indian festival it literally means 9 nights it involves a whole lot of dancing and beautiful outfits and jewellery. Every year it is fascinating to see the fashion trends during the Navratri festival so I thought doing a Navratri 2018 jewellery and outfit ideas would be a nice idea!

A colourful customized outfit:

Now, I enjoy the whole process of buying the material and the border for the skirt and its matching duppattas (stole) so I got this tailor made. I went in for this bright, crimson skirt and a striped, colourful blouse so that there are more options to buy a contrasting chunni or duppatta (stole). Any of these go well with the outfit. I kept the blouse simple but you can go all out by adding trends like frills and other details to it.

For those who find it a hassle to do the above.

A readymade outfit:

When in doubt a black skirt is always a lifesaver paired with this Forever21 top it looks simple but still striking. Now how cropped you want that top is up to you!  The pop of gold at the end is dazzling.

The local markets are full of gorgeous outfits you can choose from one really feels like a kid in a candy store. Endless possibilities all you have to do is take your pick.

Jewellery Options:

What is an outfit without the jewellery and for Navratri one can really go all out. The chunkier the better and even if the outfit is simple it can be glammed up with the jewellery. Here is a shot of some of the jewellery that I loved and hope you do too!

 Footwear options:

1)  For those who love flats:

2)  For those who love heels:

Hope you end up with some gorgeous outfits and jewellery this Navratri and when you do, dance away the nights in them we don’t just want them to remain Navratri 2018 jewellery and outfit IDEAS do we?

Happy dancing everyone!

Wishing you happiness and glee always,
