Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Mother’s Day DIY gift ideas to make your Mom feel special in 2019

With Mother’s Day round the corner (12th May 2019).I thought of some Mother’s Day DIY gift Ideas to make your MOM feel special in 2019. It need not be restricted to just this day, but since we have one let’s make it special.

So there are the BUY gifts, those are easy to just buy and get sorted. However we are looking at the DIY kind of gifts so let’s get started.

Mothers Day DIY gift idea no. 1: Mom's favourite things box

Take any old box, I took this paper box you can paint it or stick some stickers on it or cover it with some cute paper to make it more presentable (though your Mom won’t mind even the most lop sided gift that you make). It is always the thought behind it that counts. I just painted it. Paint fixes everything.

Then make some cards or chits of paper and write all her favourite things on it. Add a few chocolates (optional) and some coloured paper (crepe paper) cut into strips into the box. Add a ribbon on top.

Your Mom will have a fun time pulling out the chits of all her favourite things.  Do not worry about how it looks from the outside as it is always the inside that matters.  So give it a long thought of what you want to write on those special pieces of paper/chits.

Mothers Day DIY gift idea no. 2: An album of Love

For this you need a drawing book and get a little creative on the pages like shown here.  Paint the borders of the pages and stick some special photos of the fun time you have spent. She can take a trip down memory lane. It will be a special gift handmade by you that she will cherish forever.  Fill up as many pages that you have time for and keep the rest blank to keep adding photos of wonderful memories.

Mothers Day DIY gift idea no. 3: Paint a special painting

Buy a small sized canvas and try some art. Yes! We can all do it and believe me when I tell your MOM is the best person to gift a painting, no matter how the painting looks she will treasure it.

So here is my special painting dedicated to all the lovely MOMs in this world and especially to My MOM who means the world to me. Hope you all like the painting. Hope the bright colours make you all happy. I have named the painting TURN ON HAPPINESS.   Our Mothers do that for us don’t they?

Turn on Happiness

Mothers Day DIY gift idea no. 4: Give her your time.

If you don’t have the time for the above ideas the best gift you can give your Mom is to give her your time and you do that by making the time to spend time with her. The best gift one can give.

Hope these Mother’s Day DIY gift ideas make your Mom feel special and mine too. These DIY gift ideas work for anyone special, so do try one of them. Wishing you a Mother’s Day filled with happiness and glee.



  1. Agree it is the thought that counts.

  2. Thank you so much Fatima

  3. Superb creativity as always!

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