Monday, 21 October 2019

Diwali DIY Decoration ideas…..Lets Sparkle!

With the festival of lights, Diwali almost upon us, I am very happy to share my Diwali DIY Decoration ideas. The Diwali post was appreciated last year too. Check out last year’s post, those DIYs are just as relevant this year too. Hope you like this year’s Diwali DIY Decoration ideas too.

Diwali DIY Decoration idea No. 1: Taking centre stage with a Diwali Centrepiece.

I am using this metal baking tray which is as old as the hills and looking like them too. But going on with the JUNK to JOY series everything has a purpose and can be up cycled into something useful.

I chose to cover the old baking tray with this marble print contact paper. Contact paper has its own adhesive so all I did was peel it and stick it.

Just added the flowers and for the light source you can use any battery operated candle or lamp. The marble contact paper, flowers and the lamp add the sparkle back to the old tray and this centrepiece would look pretty on any table.

Diwali DIY Decoration idea No. 2: Not a basket case!

The second DIY, seconds the fact that everything has a purpose and this simple basket can also be used as a decoration. Its wooden texture adds a nice Boho chic touch.

I just hung the basket on a nail and arranged the flowers this way. It’s a very simple idea but it does glam up the place.

As marigold flowers are used a lot during Diwali, I went with the yellow, orange and white theme. Fresh Marigold flowers would look awesome too.

Last year I used fresh Marigold flowers and as I was doing the DIY, I caught a fat, green worm which was wrapped around the flower. After many screams I completed that DIY with pincers. All DIYs are not that easy ok. Since I am not that ECO friendly with all green things (except HULK I like him) and so that no green things sentiment or mine were hurt, artificial flowers were used in this project!

A festive painting: MARIGOLD  SPARKLE!

Painted the marigold flower, it’s such a lovely round, chubby and bright coloured rich yellow. It really does sparkle and makes everything more festive. So I named the painting Marigold Sparkle.

Sharing some night shots, one can really appreciate light at night. Fairy lights add the magic and sparkle.

Do comment and let me know if you like the painting and the Diwali DIY Decoration ideas.  Share it with family and friends. The previous DIY room decoration ideas link is here in case you missed it.

Wishing you and your families a sparkling Diwali filled with happiness and Glee.



  1. Good job once again. Especially the painting

  2. Beautiful ideas.....especially loved the basket innovative's been put to good use..

    1. Thank you so much Sheena.

    2. Lovely Grace.Truely the bright yellow color is spreading lights for this festive occasion!!

  3. The ideas are vibrant and colourful as always.the marigolds look so natural...superb

  4. Lovely, innovative ideas. Too good!
