Monday, 30 April 2018

A Football Match A Party And A Cake!

Hey everyone,

When kids are younger parents go to great length to make birthdays special for them. There are various themes and cakes to choose from. Since the kids are little the parents decide everything. We have had our fair share of Pikachu birthday cakes and WWE ring cakes and all of them were indeed very special.

It’s by the time that your kids get into their teens that they slowly start orchestrating everything about the birthdays. From its theme to who’s getting invited and who is not. Luckily for me I am still on their guest list. Ha Ha! Or was it because I was the one baking the birthday cake!

Well that’s the single most profound briefing I got ……MAMA your making the cake. Plain, vanilla cake with icing is how he likes it.  The theme cannot be very difficult to guess with crazy football fans what else could it be? So football match first followed by the birthday party.

I generally stick to the briefing but wanted it to be extra special, so came up with my own version of the football cake. A vanilla sponge cake with butter icing. Made a stencil of the football and dusted the cocoa powder on fussed over it with Choco chips and voila!! The look on the birthday boy’s face was pure bliss to behold.  Don’t know what is so magical about football? Boys just seem so happy to play it and even bigger smiles for a football cake.

Only teenagers have the energy to play for 90 minutes and then party which they did. I watched the match from the stands with my heart racing up and down every time some kid missed to fall or stumble during the match, heart racing without pacing is not exactly the kind of cardio that I have in mind to blast stubborn fat. I will stick to walking, but I guess any kind of cardio is welcome!   The football game was fun; the boys chased me away when I tried to get closer for some snaps, so I stuck to the stand for the rest of the game!

You can plan and plan the birthday party but ultimately its family and friends that make your day special and memorable. For those who cannot make it and are far away the celebrations are only virtual and that is a reality! But zipping clips of the celebrations back and forth loops them in too, making them feel a part of it.

Wishing all you April/May babies a very happy birthday and wonderful memories of it. Which is your most cherished birthday memory? Hope you have many more to cherish.

Wishing you happiness and glee always.


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